In all the countries, the car license is different for all of they. For example, in Spain you can drive a car with 18 years old and in USA with 16.
I think, driving a car is a big responsability because, if you can stop to think for it you can see that there are a lot of things that we have to take care. For example, if you are a teenager, keen on USA you can drive with 16 years old, when you can go to a party and you can go with your car. In this moment, you have to take a big decision: if you want to drink alcohol or not. If you choose the first option, you can't take the car and if you take the second option, you can drive the car. Well, this is an important asoect to think about.
In conclusion, from my point of view, the best age to drive a casa is 18. It's the time when you take a lot of responssibilities. You are a big boy or girl and you have to choose what you want to do in your life. And this is the moment when you have a big change and you become an adult