Monday, 15 October 2012




Liam: Hey girl I'm waiting on you, I'm waiting on you/ Ei noia t'estic esperant, t'estic esperant

Come on and let me sneak you out/ Vinga va i sortim d'amagades

And have a celebration, a celebrations/ fem una celebració, una celebració
The music up, the windows down/ Que pugui la música, a baix les finestres

Zayn; Yeah, we'll be doing what we doing/ si, nosaltres estarem fent el que estem fent

Just pretending that we're cool, and we know it too./ anem a suposar que estem bé
Yeah, we'll keep doing what we doing/ si, seguim fent el que estem fent
Just pretending that we're cool, so tonight.../ Finguim que som guais aquesta nit.

Chorus; Let's go! crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun/ anem boijos(x39 fins que veiem que surti el sol

I know we only met but let's pretend it's love/ sé que només ens vam conèixer però suposem que és amor
And never never stop for anyone/ i mai mai mai et deixaré per ningú

Tonight let's get some and live while we're young/ aquesta nit anem aconseguir algú i vivim mentre siguem joves

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh x2 / oh oh oh oh oh oh oh x2

And live while we're young/ i vivim mentre siguem joves
oh oh oh oh oh/ oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some/ aquesta nit anem aconseguir algu
Harry: and kive while we're young./ i vivim mentre siguem joves

Zayn: Hey girl it's now or never, it's now or never/ ei noia és ara o mai, és ara o mai

Don't overthink, just let it go/ no pensis gaire, acava de deixar anar
And if we get together, yeah get together/ i si estem junts, si estem junts
Don't let teh pictures leave your phone/ no deixis qye kes fotografies deixin el teu movil
oh oh/ oh oh

Niall: Yeah, we'll be doing what we doing/ si, seguim fent el que estem fent 

Just pretending that we're cool, so tonight.../ Fingim que som guais aquesta nit

Chorus: Let's go! crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun/ anem bojos(x3) fins que veiem que surti el sol
I konw we only met but let's pretend it's love/ sé que només ens vam conèixer però suposem que és amor 
And never never never stop for anyone/ i mai mai mai et deixaré per ningú 

Tonight let's get some and live while we're young/ aquesta nit anem aconseguir algu i vivim mentre siguem joves

oh oh oh oh oh oh oh x2/ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh x2
And live while we're young/ i vivim mentres siguem joves
oh oh oh oh oh/ oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some/ aquesta nit anem aconseguir algú
Harry: and live while we're young/ i vivim mentres siguem joves


Zayn: And girl you and I/ i noia tu i jo 

We're about to make some memories tonight/ nosaltres estem a punt de fer alguns records aquesta nit.
Louis: I wanna live while we're young.../ volem viure mentre siguem joves

Chours: Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun/ anem boigos (x3) fins que veiem que surti el sol

I konw we only met but let's pretend it's love/ se que nomñes ens coneixem peró anem a suposar que és amor

And never nevre never stop for anyone/ i mai mai mai et deixaré per ningú

Tonight let's get some/ aquesta nit anem aconseguir algi

Harry; and live while we're young/ i vivim mentre siguem joves

Chorus: Crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun/ anem boigos (x3) fins que veiem que surti el sol

I know we only met but let's pretend it's love/ sé que només ens vam conèixer però suposem que és amor

And never never never stop forn anyone/ i mai mai mai et deixaré per ningú

Tonight let's get some/ aquesta nit anem aconseguir algo 

Harry: and live while we're oung/ i vivim mentre siguem joves

(Wanna livem, wanna live, wanna live, wanna live/ vull viure (x4)

Wanna livem wanna live, wanna live while we're young...) vull viure (x3) mentre som joves

Tonight let's get some/ aquesta nit anem a aconseguir alguna cosa

Zyan: And live while we're young/ i vivim mentre siguem joves. 

Monday, 1 October 2012


My dream is going to Caribbiean, because is a country that I love, and for me I thing it's pretty. But I have a problems. One of the problem is that I haven't got any money for pay the travel and the solutions is that i waste the oney for this problem. Another problem is that I'm a minor to the age and I expected at 18 years old. And the last challenge is that I haven't got a boyfriend and I'm waiting a perfect boy.