Friday, 21 December 2012




Now and then I think of when we were toghether/ De tan en tan estic pensant en quan estavem junts   
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die/ Com quan tu deies que et senties ta feliç que podies morir
Told myself that you were right for me/ Em deia que eres bona per mi
But felt so lonely in your company/ Pero em sentia tant sol amb la teva companyia
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember/ Pero aixo es l'amor i es un dolor que encara recordo

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness/ Tu et pots arribar a ser addicta a un sert tipus de tristesa 
Like resignation to the end, always the end/ Com una renúncia del final, sempre al final
So, when we found that we could not make sense/ Doncs quan ens vam adonar que no podia tenir sentit
Well, you said that we would still be friends/ Doncs tu vas dir que podriem ser amics
But I'll admit I was glad thet it was over/ Pero admeto que jo estava aliviat de que s'acaves  

But you didn't have to cut me off/ Pero tu no havies de distanciar-te de mi 
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing/ Fes com si no hagues passat i que nosaltres no erem res 
And I don't even need your love/ I ni tant sols necessito el teu amor
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough/ Pero em tractes com un estrany i aixo es tan dur
No, you didn't have to stoop so low/ No, tu o havies de caure tant baix
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number/ Fes que els teus amics agafessin les teves coses i després canvia el teu número
I guess that I don't need, that though/ Crec que no ho necessito
Now you're just somebody that I used to know/ Ara ets algú que jo coneixia
Now you're just somebody that I used to know/ Ara ets algú que jo coneixia
Now you're just somebody that I used to know/ Ara ets algú que jo coneixia

Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over/ de tant en tant penso en totes les vegades que em la vas jugar
But had me believing it was always something that I'd done/ Pero sempre em feies creure que algo que havia fet jo
But I don't wanna live that way, reading into every word you say/ Pero jo no vull viure aixi, llegir en cada paraula que deies que ho podies deixar
You said that you could let it go/ Tu vas dir que hem podia deixar anar
And I wouldn't catch you hug up on somebody that you used to know/ I jo no et veuria preocupada per algú que solies conéixer

But you didn't have to cut me off/ Peró tu no havies de distanciar-te de mi
Make out like it never happened ad that we were nothing/ Fes com si no hagues passat i que nosaltres no erem res
And I don't even need your love/ I ni tan sols necessito el teu amor
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough/ Peró em tractes com un extrany i aixó és dur
No, you didn't have to stoop so low/ No, tu no havies de caure tant baix
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number/ Fer que els teus amics agafessin les teves coses i després et canvies el número
I guess that I don't need, that though/ Crec que no ho necessito
Now you're just somebody that I used to know/ Ara ets algú que jo coneixia

Somebody I used to know/ Algú que jo coneixia
Somebody I used to know/ Algú que jo coneixia
Somebody I used to know/ Algú que jo coneixia
Now you're just somebody that I used to know/ Ara ets algú que jo coneixia

I used to know/ Jo coneixia
That I used to know/ que jo solia conèixer
I used to know/ Jo coneixia
Somebody/ Algú

Friday, 14 December 2012


Comic relief is a releasing of emotional or a tension resulting from a comic episode interposed in the midst of de serious or tragic elements in a drama. It's useful for the people who can watch the film for relax a little bit. I don't remember laughing in a horror film because I haven't seen any horror films.


The master of suspense is Alfred Hitchcock. The most famous horror film is Psycho in 1988.
He use serial killers.
He used a subjective camera to made the effect.

Monday, 10 December 2012


The Tell Tale Heart talk about the bulter that he doesn't like the white eye from his owner, and he gets very nervous. And for this reason he kills him. The police arrived and the he gives himself at te police, and at the end the police imprisioned him. 
Edgar Allan Poe is the person who inventetd the first macabre stories. 
The first PHS was the Black Cat in 1843.
He invented the detective and science fiction.

Monday, 26 November 2012


The gothic novel was invented by Horace Walpole. The first gothic novel was The Castle of Otranto in 1764. 
The basic elements that I don't put in the list are:

  • The setting in the castle/ ambientació en un castell.
  • An ancient prophecy/ una novel·la antigua.
  • Omens, portents, visions/ presaguis, auguris, visions.
  • High, even overwrought emotion/ molta emoció, i sobreexitació.
  • Women in distress/ les dones en perill.

Friday, 23 November 2012


He was born on 12th of June, 1986 in la Corunya. He's an Spanish actor and he is considered one of the best young actor.
At first, he wanted to ba a football, a ploiceman or a fireman, but later he decided to ba an actor. So he wento to de school for actors and actresses called Cristina Rota.
He has apperared in many films and he works with a lot of actors. He has also been in many succesful T.V. series.

His most famous film is "3MSC", in wich he's the main character, and nowadays we can see him very Thursday on T.V. in a serie called "El barco".

He has a lot of fans all around the worls and he appers in many magazines.
Hes is my favourite actor. I like him, because he is very nice and friendly. He's beautiful and I like his smile.



I agree some jobs I had to the itelligence and the animal test. But I don't agree that I will be singer, because I don't see me in a statge singinig. 
I think that in administrator it's right, because I like this topic for work in a future, and in the marketing specialist, too  


My dad is my hero, because he is the only person I know who wakes up at six o'clock, to go to work, full of energi and he likes his job . 
Morever, he would do anything to see us smiling. 
He's a very positive and happy person and he rarely gets angry. 
I really admire his life attitude and appreciate him because not many people do what he does.
And he is one of my best and importan person in my life.

Sunday, 11 November 2012


The graphic says that I'm very musical and interpersnal, but I am not linguistic and visual/spatial, because I don't like this subjets. The intelligences that are predomiante are interpersonal and musical, because I like a lot of the music .And I agree with the graphic like I said before. 


- administrator
- marketing specialist
- singer

Saturday, 3 November 2012



Genus and species:
Hystrix cristata
Collective Term:
A prickle of porcupines

Careers and Hobbies

Collections agent

Famous Porcupines

Don Rickles
Joan Rivers
Bobcat Goldthwaite

Porcupines are physically small individuals with an over-abundance of attitude. Probably due to their lack of self-esteem, they have a tendency to seek comfort by putting others down and wit, sarcasm and ridicule are the primary weapons of its oftentimes disagreeable personality. Its reputation as a backstabber is somewhat undeserved, although it has no problem with gossiping about friends and foe alike.
In defense of the porcupine's actions, its barbs are not designed to cause permanent harm. Instead, they're intended as a preemptive attack to protect its own sensitive feelings, and if anyone is wounded by its thorny words the porcupine is quick to come to its victim's aid.
Like other rodent personalities, porcupines are opportunists and are resourceful and creative in their endeavors. Adept at taking advantage of others' mistakes, they are the first to jump on the bandwagon when an opportunity arises.
With their consciously minimalist lifestyle, porcupines' financial needs are limited to the bare essentials of living and their homes are unadorned but functional.
Unambiguous loners, porcupines prefer jobs that reward individual effort and avoid manual labor or work that demands mental concentration. However, if it's lucky enough to find a job that requires a biting tongue, it performs above the call of duty.
The porcupine displays the characteristically sharp mind and opportunistic lifestyle of the rodent personalities, but unable to function successfully in social situations it is limited in its career choices. Of course, a job like postal worker, DMV employee, and IRS agent, matches its prickly personality perfectly.

I agree with that because I have an over-abundance of attitude and I don't have a problem with a gossiping about friends and foe alike.
I don't agree with creative in their endeavors.
This animal no is similar with my favourite animal



Monday, 15 October 2012




Liam: Hey girl I'm waiting on you, I'm waiting on you/ Ei noia t'estic esperant, t'estic esperant

Come on and let me sneak you out/ Vinga va i sortim d'amagades

And have a celebration, a celebrations/ fem una celebració, una celebració
The music up, the windows down/ Que pugui la música, a baix les finestres

Zayn; Yeah, we'll be doing what we doing/ si, nosaltres estarem fent el que estem fent

Just pretending that we're cool, and we know it too./ anem a suposar que estem bé
Yeah, we'll keep doing what we doing/ si, seguim fent el que estem fent
Just pretending that we're cool, so tonight.../ Finguim que som guais aquesta nit.

Chorus; Let's go! crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun/ anem boijos(x39 fins que veiem que surti el sol

I know we only met but let's pretend it's love/ sé que només ens vam conèixer però suposem que és amor
And never never stop for anyone/ i mai mai mai et deixaré per ningú

Tonight let's get some and live while we're young/ aquesta nit anem aconseguir algú i vivim mentre siguem joves

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh x2 / oh oh oh oh oh oh oh x2

And live while we're young/ i vivim mentre siguem joves
oh oh oh oh oh/ oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some/ aquesta nit anem aconseguir algu
Harry: and kive while we're young./ i vivim mentre siguem joves

Zayn: Hey girl it's now or never, it's now or never/ ei noia és ara o mai, és ara o mai

Don't overthink, just let it go/ no pensis gaire, acava de deixar anar
And if we get together, yeah get together/ i si estem junts, si estem junts
Don't let teh pictures leave your phone/ no deixis qye kes fotografies deixin el teu movil
oh oh/ oh oh

Niall: Yeah, we'll be doing what we doing/ si, seguim fent el que estem fent 

Just pretending that we're cool, so tonight.../ Fingim que som guais aquesta nit

Chorus: Let's go! crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun/ anem bojos(x3) fins que veiem que surti el sol
I konw we only met but let's pretend it's love/ sé que només ens vam conèixer però suposem que és amor 
And never never never stop for anyone/ i mai mai mai et deixaré per ningú 

Tonight let's get some and live while we're young/ aquesta nit anem aconseguir algu i vivim mentre siguem joves

oh oh oh oh oh oh oh x2/ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh x2
And live while we're young/ i vivim mentres siguem joves
oh oh oh oh oh/ oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some/ aquesta nit anem aconseguir algú
Harry: and live while we're young/ i vivim mentres siguem joves


Zayn: And girl you and I/ i noia tu i jo 

We're about to make some memories tonight/ nosaltres estem a punt de fer alguns records aquesta nit.
Louis: I wanna live while we're young.../ volem viure mentre siguem joves

Chours: Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun/ anem boigos (x3) fins que veiem que surti el sol

I konw we only met but let's pretend it's love/ se que nomñes ens coneixem peró anem a suposar que és amor

And never nevre never stop for anyone/ i mai mai mai et deixaré per ningú

Tonight let's get some/ aquesta nit anem aconseguir algi

Harry; and live while we're young/ i vivim mentre siguem joves

Chorus: Crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun/ anem boigos (x3) fins que veiem que surti el sol

I know we only met but let's pretend it's love/ sé que només ens vam conèixer però suposem que és amor

And never never never stop forn anyone/ i mai mai mai et deixaré per ningú

Tonight let's get some/ aquesta nit anem aconseguir algo 

Harry: and live while we're oung/ i vivim mentre siguem joves

(Wanna livem, wanna live, wanna live, wanna live/ vull viure (x4)

Wanna livem wanna live, wanna live while we're young...) vull viure (x3) mentre som joves

Tonight let's get some/ aquesta nit anem a aconseguir alguna cosa

Zyan: And live while we're young/ i vivim mentre siguem joves. 

Monday, 1 October 2012


My dream is going to Caribbiean, because is a country that I love, and for me I thing it's pretty. But I have a problems. One of the problem is that I haven't got any money for pay the travel and the solutions is that i waste the oney for this problem. Another problem is that I'm a minor to the age and I expected at 18 years old. And the last challenge is that I haven't got a boyfriend and I'm waiting a perfect boy.